Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dear Martha,

As you may have already heard, I have recently bought the whole Louisiana Territory from the French. I have received a lot of grief from people telling me that what I did was "unconstitutional," especially since nowhere in the Constitution does it speak about expanding the size of the Union. Even so, I believe that what I did is for the best of our nation, for there are many new possibilities in the west. Many people have already started going westward, surveying the land to see if they will find any treasures out there. I have not heard much good news about the land, but I believe that there is something out there for this country to use!

People that explored the land told me that there is nothing out there other than a giant desert, spanning for a huge distance. Even if that is true, which I do not believe, we could still use that land to assist us in times of war. There could be many new forts put out there in case of an emergency, but I do not believe that we will have a war any time soon. Buying the land from Napoleon helped us settle ties with the French, because they need extra money to support them in a war. If only there was peace all throughout the world, then my job as president would be so much easier, and the lives of others would become much more enjoyable.

Other than all of that, my job has been running pretty smoothly. I enjoy leading the Union, because I believe that all of the education that I received will allow me to make this country shine as brightly as it can, making it even better than it already as it is. With the help from you and the other people of this country, I will make my dreams come true. I hope that everything is well back home.

With love and care,
Thomas Jefferson

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